ELEVATE-KEN LAZAR • October 11, 2022
This morning, I went out for an early morning jog before the heat of the day. It was nearly 80 degrees combined with about 80 percent humidity. I was definitely not setting any speed records.
As I finished my run, I saw a young lady watering the plants at the entrance to our neighborhood. She was pumping water through a long hose connected to a tanker truck that was parked at the side of our house.
I recognized the name on the truck. She was from the new landscaping firm that our homeowners association had recently contracted with.
The old landscaping firm was terrible. Although they were a large national company, their service was expensive and second rate. Everyone complained.
I struck up a conversation with the lady. “I bet you do a lot of watering for your customers. Everything is so dry this month.”
She said, “Yes, we do. The irrigation system in your neighborhood is not working so we are watering by hand just to keep the entrances looking reasonable.”
I said to the young lady, “I want you to know that since we switched to your company, the neighborhood has never looked better. Please tell that to your owner.”
She smiled and said “Thanks…I’m the owner.”
Of all the things that she could be doing as an owner of a small business, I would think that watering the plants in front of my neighborhood at 6:00 am would be at the bottom of her list. Then, I thought again.
If the plants died in front of our neighborhood, regardless of the fact that the irrigation system was not working, she could lose the account. She was doing exactly what she needed to do as the owner of her company.
I am an owner. So are you. Whether you make your living as the owner of a small business like me, or you sell for a large corporation, you should think like an owner. Owners do what it takes to get the job done.
So, the next time someone gives you a complement on your good work, just smile and say,
“Thanks…I’m the owner.”
Ken Lazar, CEO
Ability Professional Network
(614) 403-6079
5003 Horizons Dr, STE 200
Columbus, OH, 43220, US,